I’m here to help you recover from trauma, build self-trust, reclaim your agency, and come home to yourself.

I provide trauma informed care for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and femmes/women.

Take back your power in an enjoyable way that works swiftly and comfortably.


Experience profound relief from your trauma and cultivate a feeling of trust within yourself and the world around you. Bring back your inner sparkle!

Your life is YOURS - and you CAN live it in a way that feels right for YOU.

Picture this: imagine that you are a tree, and the roots represent your subconscious mind. When you heal at the root, the benefits spread throughout the entire tree - your entire being - the trunk, the branches, every leaf and blossom…because it’s all connected.

Life-changing results are possible for you with this wonderful modality, and I’m here to support your journey in every way I can. Using a variety of skills and techniques like hypnosis, guided imagery, NLP, and more, I’m overjoyed to help you embrace the unknown and create the wildly joyful life you deserve.

Hypnotherapy can help you to:

  • Transform self-limiting beliefs

  • Release fears and anxieties, allowing you to embrace the unknown

  • Learn to trust yourself…REALLY, truly, trust yourself

  • Understand and soften your emotional reactivity

  • Free yourself from hyper-vigilance caused by trauma and life experiences

  • Alchemize trauma and emotional pain, transmuting it into personal power

  • Clear out emotional and mental clutter, freeing up so much mental space and creative power

  • Release perfectionism

  • Overcome procrastination

  • Enjoy better sleep

  • Cultivate healthier habits to create the foundation for your life

  • Realize and embody your inherent self worth

  • Take that leap of faith in your career you’ve been putting off for too long

  • Become re-grounded in your body and reconnected to your pleasure

  • Learn tools for daily stress management

  • Become the intentional CREATOR of your life

  • …and so much more!

When you shift your subconscious programming, you have the power to change your reality…

and it all starts with that first step.

Hypnotherapy is for you if:

  • You are stuck in a pattern of self-sabotage

  • You are hindered by the burden of past traumas, finding yourself unable to move past them

  • You are experiencing a “dark night of the soul,” or generally difficult chapter of your life

  • You struggle to realize your inherent self-worth

  • You find yourself at the mercy of your anxiety and stress, and would like to learn how to overcome them

  • You are ready to level up in your life, just needing that last little push

  • You are weighed down by old resentments, conditioning, and patterns which no longer serve you

  • You are stuck in survival mode, ready for a breakthrough so you may finally thrive

  • You are interested in solutions that are both spiritually rich and clinically proven to be effective

Hypnotherapy can help with all of this and more.

Transcend your limitations and unburden yourself from the past so that you can move forward in your life with higher energy, a greater sense of presence, and so much more.

A better quality of life is possible for you with hypnotherapy - available in person at my discreet and lovely office location, or virtually - right in the privacy and comfort of your own home.

Trauma-Informed Intuitive Hypnotherapy

Hi! I’m Victoria.

The subconscious makes up roughly 88% (or more!) of your mind, which can both help and hinder you.

From the time you are born until around 8 years old, you’re forming your beliefs about yourself and the world around you, shaping your perspective - and as a natural consequence of that, your very destiny.

This can both help to propel you into the life of your dreams and keep you stuck in outdated belief systems that no longer serve you, creating needless suffering and keeping you in a forever-loop of not quite getting what you want out of your life.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Why Hypnotherapy?

I'd like to inform you of two elements making up that incredible, creative brain of yours: Homeostasis and Neuroplasticity.

Homeostasis, in relation to your mind, is the innate subconscious drive to stay the same, resisting all change at the subconscious level. Why? Because this is how the brain keeps you "safe," according to what your subconscious believes as truth.

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change on a personal, spiritual, and behavioral level throughout life. This gives you the flexibility to upgrade your beliefs, emotional responses, and behavioral habits to those which better serve you.

The Myth of Self Sabotage

You may think the reason you struggle with creating your dream life - and ultimately, becoming your dream self - is due to self-sabotage.

I want you to challenge that idea for a moment...just think: why on Earth would anyone purposefully make decisions sabotaging their own good fortune?

The answer is simple: they wouldn't.

The phenomenon of "self-sabotage" occurs when your subconscious mind intervenes on your plans in order to maintain the status quo - that is, keeping you "safe" by maintaining the same conditions that you learned to know as "reality" in early childhood.  This is why you tend to keep arriving back at the same familiar plateau over and over in life. You have a built-in defense mechanism meant to keep things exactly as your subconscious knows them, regardless of your conscious desire to change.

Time to Take Back Your Power

Perhaps you’re in a period of your life where you just feel stuck - overwhelmed with stress, anxious, feeling lost or without direction. You could be experiencing a cycle of negative habits, beliefs, or behaviors that you just can't seem to shake. Your conditioning creates your inner world (also known as your subconscious mind) which can keep you feeling trapped in old resentments, low self-esteem, negative beliefs, poor habits, anger, anxieties, fears, phobias, and other blocks to your success.

Hypnotherapy is a highly effective holistic modality that can successfully dissolve these perceived blocks and connect you with the inner power which is and always has been inherently yours. It is possible to make peace with the past and transform what no longer serves you into energy that can be used to create a beautiful and positive future, one rooted in inner peace and profound joy.


The Solution

Using a variety of hypnotic techniques, I can gently and skillfully guide you into a comfortable trancelike state, allowing your subconscious mind to become open to suggestions crafted especially for you.

During our first, initial session, I will assess your specific style of suggestibility - that is, the way in which you absorb new information - and using your specific suggestibility style, I will be able to speak to your subconscious mind in such a way that allows for profound, life-changing shifts to occur.

Reaching your goals has never been easier, more natural, or more comfortable.

The best part of all - I offer both in-person AND virtual hypnotherapy services.

In-person sessions are available by appointment at my office in Emeryville, California. Virtual sessions are available by appointment and accessible from anywhere in the world, using Zoom or Skype.

Experience radical positive change, either in person OR from the comfort of your home!